Asia's Premium Photo Festival

Asia's Premium Photo Festival

Asia's Premium Photo Festival

Ozcan Simsek

About Me

He started photography in 1988, working in his neighbor's studio. After retiring in 2013, he focused on his photography career.
He developed himself by participating in trainings such as advanced photography, photo processing techniques and lighting. He completed Anadolu University Faculty of Business Administration in 2013 and Anadolu University Photography and Cameraman education in 2017.
He worked as a photography instructor at Edremit Photography and Cinema Art Association (EDFOD) and Public Education Centers, of which he was the founder.
He received awards and exhibitions in many national and international competitions. He did personal photo shows. He participated in many solo and group exhibitions. He served as a jury member in national and international photography competitions.
His photographs were exhibited in many countries of the world, his photographs were included in catalogues.
As a result of the awards and exhibitions won in International Competitions;
•\tHIUP (Honorable IUP) by INTERNATIONAL OF UNION OF PHOTOGRAPERS (IUP) headquartered in China,
•\tQPSA (QUALIFIED) by THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA (PSA) headquartered in the United States of America,
•\tAFIAP (Artist FIAP) by the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) headquartered in France
As a result of my contributions to art photography;
•\tHon.Associate of SAP (ASAP) by Sigma Academy Of Photography (SAP) headquartered in India,
•\tHon.FCPA (Honorary Membership) by Association Foto Club Pro Arad operating in Romania,
•\tHon.Fellow of SAP (FSAP) by Sigma Academy Of Photography (SAP) headquartered in India,
•\tHonorary F. Nobel/Platinum by the Nobel Fellowship headquartered in India,
•\tHON.VEDIC by GNG CLUB INDIA operating in India, was given the title.
He was given the duty of Turkey representative by Tunisia \"Le Photographe Agency\" and was also awarded with a Certificate of Honor.
Granted \"Honorary Membership\" by the GPU Cooperative Club Tunisia, headquartered in Tunisia.
Şimşek is a member of INTERNATIONAL OF UNION OF PHOTOGRAPERS (IUP) operating in China, Asia Photographers Union (APU) operating in Singapore and Edremit Photography and Cinema Art Association (EDFOD).
He served as the 8th Term Supervisory Board Member and 9th Term Member of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Photographic Art Federation (TFSF).
He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Edremit Photography and Cinema Art Association (EDFOD).
He is married and has two children.

Works Synopsis

I have prepared a mixed portfolio for you from the photographs I took at various times.
Enjoy watching.

Exhibition Name

Those caught by my lens


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